Wednesday, September 23, 2009


What's that? Well, is just my mom who really want me to get marry soon. Really really soon.


Is not me, who doesn't wanna marry now. Is not me who pospone it. Well, is just me. The unfortunate me who doesn't have any single boyfriend. Poor me isn't it!!!
I do wanna marry NOW. I really am do. But there's no man who propose me right now. I just pray to GOD 4JJI ALMIGHTY so I can get who I want.

Not that I'm a picky person, but I want marry once and for the rest of mylife. With someone wise enough to understande me for who I really am. Understand my weakness, my strongness, me hobby about movie, music, book & lot's of other stuff. Someone who responsible enough to take care our family in the future. He can be Imam for our family. Be my friend where ever or when ever I need him.
On top of that, of course he love his creature 4JJI ALMIGHTY & me ^_^

I don't know wether I find him or not, yet. But, I do like someone right now. His cute (see trough pics), nice (chatting), responsible (have a job), understand me (little bit same hobbies). I don't wanna take a rush on him. Just follow the river flow. Is all in his decide. I can't push him to take me more than friend. Only 4JJI knows what next can happen between us :D

My pry is: Please GOD let him be my future. Let him choose me. Let me make my parents happy. Close me with him in the future. Amien....

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