I've just realised that for a while, I don't have any friends whose always there for me. Yet I'm hoping always there for them. What a phatetic live of me.
My friends list in FB are sooo much. But that doesn't says that U have friends. Just a symbolic I guess. No true friend (s). Shighs...
Why am I talking about this? Because that's what I feel right here right now. I thought I know them but I didn't. I try to be reasonable but my hearth tells different. Nobody like to be treatening like that by Ur own friends right? Friends who U think is Ur trully friends. Friends who never asked U again? He'...what a live.
Shighs...perhaps I just have 2 stay away forever. They happy & I'm Happy because I don't have to feel hurt anymore. My colleague said to me once: "don't ever trust someone who U called friends or bestfriend! 'Cause someday they'll stab U from back & leave U like a shit."
Until thet time I don't agree with him & yet it happened to me.
Why oh why they have to put a mask in they faces if they don't like me. Just say it. Much better than leave in a lie.
Yeah...I guess from now on I just have to be cool & stay away from them. For good. ^_^
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